Sunday, October 16, 2016

Who am I and why do I have a blog about Gary Johnson?


Here's the truth as I know it. First, I actually did just wake up one morning and decide that I needed a blog about Gary Johnson, That's right. In fact, it was this morning. Perhaps it's because I'm running a fever. It may be because my friends and family are sick and tired of seeing my political rants on Facebook, or maybe it's just because I am a horror writer and to date, nothing that I have encountered, be it in real life or in the deepest realms of my imagination, nothing has frightened me as much as the idea that Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton could be the next leader of the so called, "Free World".

So, here I am. A woman, a single mother, a struggling writer with a full time business career, a homeowner, an animal lover, and a card carrying tree hugger voting for and fully supporting; no, not a Democrat as you would ordinarily assume, but a Libertarian for President! Why, you ask? And I answer:

1) I believe in individual freedom. I do not care, or wish to know, what you do or how you do it, or who you do it with as long as you are not hurting anyone else or taking away another persons right to enjoy their freedom as well.

2) I believe that it takes an empowered parent to raise a child. I believe that the old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child" means that in tough times, neighbors and friends should be there to support one another by choice. That this is an act of love and humanitarianism, not a policy that should be demanded and policed by the government.

3) I believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe that the government was intended to bend to the will of the people, not the other way around.

4) I believe that there is a conspiracy of ignorance in America. It is perpetuated by the media. It is indoctrinated in our education system, and I believe that we are headed down the foretold path of dystopianism at an alarming rate and that the awakening of the American people must happen now.

Number four sounds pretty crazy, right? I know. Well, the funny thing about ignorance is, you don't know what you don't know until you know it.

5) I believe that supporting Gary Johnson is the first step in shaking up the system and sending a message that the American people are tired of having their rights stripped away, That we don't want entitlement, we want empowerment, That we want our government to work for us, not against us.

And for the 800 pound gorilla in the room:

Voting against the two party system is not a wasted vote. This is the lazy mans argument. It indicates that you KNOW that the system is corrupt. You believe that your vote is pointless. You attest that you have been taken hostage by a government that does not listen to or work for you, but you still wave a flag and argue that you are free. If this statement offends you, please refer back to number four.

So, this is me and I will try my best to keep up with this blog. I will try to enthusiastically share my views regularly so your visit to this page doesn't disappoint you as much as the Presidential Debates do. And I hope that you will come visit often.


Bonnie J. Taylor
Mother, Author, and Keyboard Freedom Fighter

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